Matias Bettera Marcat


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Physicist, currently finishing a PhD. Researching in biophysics, and interested in science and technology, with a strong background in physics, mathematics, statistics and data analysis. Experience facing problems with modeling and simulations.
Linux and Free software enthusiast.
Skills: Fortran, C, Bash/Shell scripting, ssh, gnuplot, Python, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, jupyter, Git/Github, scikit-learn, tensorflow, SQL

Professional Experience

Mar 2023 - Present


Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21 is a bussiness oriented private university. I am professor of theoretical and poblem clases of many mathematics courses, statcis and physics.

  • Presential courses (four months period): Algebra, Mathematical Analisys, Statistics I.
  • Presential intensive courses (two months period): Mathematical Analisys, Statistics II.
  • Distance courses (two months period): Physics, Statics, Algebra, Mathematical Analisys, Statistics I, Advanced Calculus.

Edtions 2023 and 2024 (from May to September)

Monitoring teacher

My role at Data science diploma, at FAMAF-UNC consisted in the monitoring, advising and evaluation of assignments, of four groups of four people each.

Python jupyter numpy pandas matplotlib seaborn SQL scikit-learn tensorflow Git

Mar 2022 – Present, Mar 2016 - Jul 2016

Lecturer (Profesor Ayudante de Primera.)

Lecturer for problem classes. Evaluation of midterm and final examns.

  • 2nd term 24 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics II and General Physics III (Electricity and Magnetism).
  • 1st term 24 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics I and General Physics IV (Waves and Optcis).
  • 2nd term 23 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics II and Modern Physics I
  • 1st term 23 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics I and Physics 4 (Modern Physics)
  • 2nd term 22 General Physics I (Mechanics).
  • 1st term 22 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics I.
  • 1st term 16 General Physics IV (Waves and Optics).

March 2022 – Feb 2023

Lecturer (Profesor Ayudante B D.S.)

Lecturer for problem classes. Evaluation of midterm and final examns.

  • Feb 23 Admission and introductory course.
  • 2nd term 22 Mechanics
  • 1st term 22 Admission and introductory course.

Apr 2016 – Mar 2022


Research fellowship, granted by CONICET. (Beca Interna Doctoral de CONICET)

Research on active matter, particularly sperm dynamics in confined environments, with simulations and experimental data analysis.

(Investigación sobre materia activa, en particular dinámica de espermátozoides en ambientes confinados, con simulaciones y análisis de datos experimentales.)

Data analysis Modeling Simulation Active Matter Biophysics

Aug 2014 – Jul 2015, Aug 2012 – Jul 2013

Student assistant (Alumno Ayudante de Segunda D.S.)

Student assistant for problem classes. - 1st term 15 Electromagnetism I - 2nd term 14 General Physics I (Introduction to Mechanics) - 1st term 13 Mechanics - 2nd term 12 Electromagnetism I


Diploma in Data Science and its applications (FaMAF, UNC) [2020]
PhD in Physics, research on Dynamics of microconfined swimmers. Mathematichs, Astronomy, Physics and Computer Science school, UNC, AR. (Doctorado en Físca. FaMAF, UNC. Investigación: Dinámica de nadadores microconfinados, FaMAF, UNC) [2016 - Present]
PhD Courses: Numerical Methods in Astrophysics, Computational Physics, Fluid Mechanics, Topics in Mathematical Biology, Introduction to LAMMPS code.
B.S. in Physics, Final grad work: Simultaneous uptake model of water and nutrients by crop roots. Physics department, UNRC, AR. (Licenciatura en Física, Trabajo Final: Modelo de toma simultánea de agua y nutrientes por raíces de cultivos. UNRC) [2010 - 2016]